miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016


Describe the picture using There is/There are, There isn't/aren't.
Write two questions about the picture.

My day by Isabel

On Mondays

I get up at eight o'clock

I go to school at nine o'clock

I have lunch at three o 'clock

I go to bed at ten o 'clock

I do my homeworks at two o' clock

domingo, 17 de enero de 2016

Writing a postcard

Repasamos cómo escribir una postal:

Puedes realizar el siguiente ejercicio de comprensión escrita de una postal.

Si te animas, puedes escribir una postal :)

Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

Present Simple: routines, actions we do every day.
I play football on Mondays. 

Present Continuous: actions we are doing now.
I'm playing football right now.

You can download the Reference Card.

lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

my day by Paula

On Wednesday

I get up at eight o'clock.

I have breakfast with milk and fritters.

I go to school at nine o'clock. 

In the school I study.

After school,I go to my grandma's house.

At five o'clock,I study.

When I finish study,I play.

When I finish play,I watch TV.

I go to bed at half past ten.


My day by Cesar.M


I get up at eight o'clock 
I have breakfast at ten past eight 
I go to school at twenty to nine.
I have lunch at ten past two
I go to the Academy of English at four o'clock 
I do my homework at half past eight
I have shower athalf past eight 
I haver dinner at nine o'clock 
I go to bed at twenty to ten   

my day by Alba


                                                 ON MONDAYS....

  1. I get up at quarter to seven.
  2. I go to school at half past eight.
  3. I don't play basketball,but I go rollerblading at five o'clock.
  4. I have lunch at half past two.
  5. I have dinner at quarter past nine.
  6. I brush my teeth at ten o'clock.
  7. I go to bed at quarter past ten.