lunes, 11 de abril de 2016


Johnny Depp

He is Johnny Depp. He is 52 years old. He is an actor.

He is tall. He has got brown eyes and brown hair. He's got a moustache and glasses.

He is wearing a hat, a white T-shirt and trousers.

He can sing and run. He likes apples and bananas. He likes dancing.

He is a very famous actor.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

Monkey Puzzles World Tour

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Para practicar en casa

Aquí os dejo unos enlaces a actividades en inglés realizadas por la Universidad de Cambridge para practicar tanto Reading and Writing como Listening.



Monkey Puzzles

My day by Carolina

On fridays:
 I get up at eigth o'clock
 I brush my teeth
 I take a shower at quarter past eight,
When I finish, I have breakfast at half past eight
 I go to school at quarter to nine
 I go to home at two o'clock